Wallet Account

The wallet account contains all your account information on the GameStar platform. In order to facilitate your transaction, you can modify this information at any time.

Account assets

Account assets are the assets you pledge to the GMS contract, and these assets are hosted on the decentralized contract. The platform does not have permission to use your assets. If you don't want to be escrowed on the contract, you can click "Redeem" at any time to transfer the assets to your personal wallet.

Note: The account assets here are the assets you pledged in the GameStar platform contract. Not an asset in your personal wallet.

Bind BUSD and BTC addresses

Before trading, you need to bind the addresses of BUSD and BTC, otherwise you will not be able to trade. After you bind your BUSD and BTC addresses, you can transfer BUSD and BTC to your bound address during P2P transactions with the merchant.

Click Bind BUSD address to enter the binding page. Fill in your BUSD wallet address (BSC testnet network). Please fill in your address carefully, otherwise once you fill in the wrong address, the merchant will transfer BUSD to the wrong address when conducting P2P transactions with you.

Last updated